Create 100+ Ads with a ClickClick Effect Icon

Prepare and upload hundreds of ads directly within Google Sheets, monday.com, or Airtable in a few clicks. Say goodbye to manual uploads with Ads Manager.

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Lady Computer Upload Results

Kitchn.io is the Fastest Way to Create Ads

Test 10x more creatives in the same amount of time, and free up your schedule to focus on your most important tasks.


More creative tests


Automated ad upload


Less Ads operation

Auto-Upload Ad Creatives

Sync your ad creative assets to Ads Manager directly from a Google Drive or Dropbox. Kitchn.io will automatically find the new ones and upload images straight to Ads Managers.

Upload Sync Refresh

Customize Your Template

Customise and fill in a template of your choice with your ad components. One row equals one ad, and each column represents various ad attributes like headlines, texts, media links, landing pages, CTAs, and other settings.

Template Sheets Airtable Monday

Launch 100+ Ads with a Click

Kitchn.io's Bulk Ad Upload solution seamlessly supports Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest and Snapchat ads.

Launch Monitor

We integrate into your existing workflow

We integrate with a wide range of tools you already use and love. From Google Sheets and Drive to Monday.com, make Kitchn.io a natural extension of your daily operations.

Google DriveAirtableMondayDropboxSlackAsana

Supported Across Multiple Ad Platforms

Kitchn.io's Bulk Ad Upload solution seamlessly supports Facebook, TikTok, and Snapchat ads.


Trusted by Industry leaders

"This year, our paid social efforts grew 250% YoY, thanks to consistent testing and new operational efficiencies. Of course, kitchn.io has played a big part in that!"


Director of Paid Social

Caleb - Director of Paid Social @Fluent

Learn how industry leaders automate their ad operations

Fluent logo

Hours saved creating ads

Fluent is a leader in customer acquisition for global brands across a wide array of industries.

See more case studies
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Effortlessly Testing 100+ Ads Weekly

Vshred, one of the most well-known brands in the fitness industry, faced a common challenge in paid social marketing: managing an ever-growing volume of paid social campaigns without sacrificing quality or efficiency. The team was searching for a solution that could efficiently manage the high volume of ads while remaining adaptable enough to fit Vshred's specific needs and existing workflows.

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Creative testing through automation 3x

Facing rapid growth and an increasing need for efficient ad operations, PetLab Co. turned to Kitchn.io's automation solutions. This case study explores how they quadrupled creative testing, reduced manual ad tasks by 50%, and automated 90% of their ad reporting.

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Creative reporting automated 90%

Celebrate Company, a multi-brand team, has seen substantial growth in their Paid Social campaigns across platforms like Meta and Pinterest.