Kitchn.ioKitchn Logo

We help businesses with paid social automation

Companies who base their growth heavily on performance marketing have begun to develop software alongside their inhouse martech teams. Kitchn brings the power of software building and automations to companies who want to scale their performance marketing in a repeatable and systematic way.

We build on the fast growing trend of Low-Code Development Platforms and the democratisation of technology making our users more productive and gain headspace for cognitively demanding tasks.


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Our Team

We are Performance Marketers, Entrepreneurs, Engineers & Product people.

  • Martin Kreienbaum

    Martin Kreienbaum

    Co-Founder / CEO

  • Simon Kreienbaum

    Simon Kreienbaum

    Co-Founder / CPO

  • Stefan Maier

    Stefan Maier

    Co-Founder / CTO

We are hiring! Join our fully remote team

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